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Peter Jutro

Professional Overview & Disaster Consequence Management

Peter Jutro, PhD, is an experienced Environmental Policy and National Security professional with over 35 years of public service to his name. Most recently, he served as the Acting Associate Administrator for Homeland Security. He has since retired from public service, and has been using this time to write and consult, as well as advise on issues in the scientific, environmental policy, and national security arenas.

Dr. Jutro received his PhD from Cornell University for research in natural resource conservation, the geography of infectious disease and natural pharmaceuticals, and chemical ecology. He later joined the faculty as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management as well as Applied Mathematics. His research work dealt primarily with quantitative risk assessment methodology, however, he also taught courses in public policy, as well as environmental law and policy.

Peter Jutro’s career in Federal service began as a participant in the U.S. Congressional Fellows science and environmental program. Additionally, he served on the professional staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Public Works (now known as the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure) for several years. During this time, Dr. Jutro specialized in environmental matters, and was heavily involved in the development of the Clean Water Act and in a number of natural disaster issues.

Peter Jutro joined the EPA in 1983, first serving as a special assistant to the Deputy Administrator, and special assistant to the Assistant Administrator for Research and Development.

Later, Jutro organized the EPA Global Change Research Program, where he served for several years as its Director. He served as a U.S. negotiator for the United Nations Convention on the Conservation of Biological Diversity. Beginning in the mid-1990s, Peter also served as Counselor to the Administrator for Environment and Security, a position that he held for nine years.

Furthermore, Peter served as a member of the Executive Committee of the State Department’s U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB), which aims to establish a scientific basis for the improvement of relationships between people and their environment. In his time at the EPA he was representative for the agency in a number of countries around the world, and worked with several international organizations in the development of environmental research, monitoring, and environmental protection programs.

In 2002, Peter Jutro was appointed as Deputy Director for Science and Policy of the National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC) - EPA’s Homeland Security S&T Organization - which he had helped organize. He held this position for more than a decade. The NHSRC focuses on scientific issues associated with decontamination, water supply protection, and risk assessment — the areas in which EPA had the lead Federal homeland security responsibilities.

Outside federal service, Peter Jutro served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Native Lands from 1996-2002, and as Chairman of the Board for two years. This non-governmental organization helped indigenous people across the globe protect their cultural and biological heritage. He has been devoted to writing, teaching, mentoring, and advising throughout the length of his professional career, and that passion continues.

Environmental Awareness

Peter Jutro was enlisted to conduct research and risk assessments on everything from global climate change to chemical contaminants.

International Travel Blog

After traveling extensively over the past 50 years, Peter has learned that the more traveling you, the better you understand how big the world really is.

Using Technology to Provide Natural Disaster Relief

Using Technology to Provide Natural Disaster Relief

People today seem to be affected by natural disasters more than ever before. Since 2010, for instance, some 2,000 natural disasters have occurred, at a rate of over 300 per year. Most of these disasters have caused extensive damage to property and more significantly, to a loss of life. Some major challenges when responding to natural disasters today are the obstacles that the first responders face when trying to save lives. Thanks to various technological advancements, first-responders can now coordinate disaster response with greater speed and precision.

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