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The Founding of the EPA

The Founding of the EPA

EPA has been in the news more than ever these days, as dramatically reducing its size, scope, power, and influence has been a major public thrust of the Trump Administration. This has made me think back to why and how the Environmental Protection Agency was created. I...
How Are Oil Spills Cleaned And Contained?

How Are Oil Spills Cleaned And Contained?

An oil spill occurs when crude oil is released into a body of water. The oil can be released from an oil tanker, an underwater pipeline, a refinery, a storage facility or an offshore oil-drilling rig. Oil spills can have an extremely damaging effect on the environment...
Indigenous People Protecting Natural Resources

Indigenous People Protecting Natural Resources

While many assume that with time comes -often dramatic- change, research shows that one things often hasn’t: Where you find Indigenous peoples, you may find some of the largest areas of intact natural resources. In 1992, the Center for the Support of Native Lands...
Environmental Impact of Terror

Environmental Impact of Terror

The terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September of 2001 were unthinkable. That day left a tragic mark in the memories of Americans, and had a long-lasting economic and political impact, which still affects us fifteen years later. It also...